Serving the Idaho Falls Region
Pre-listing Inspections:
Sell your home faster, for more money with a Pre-Listing Inspection!
A "Clean Home Inspection Report" is the ultimate gesture in forthrightness on your part.
Major Advantages:
- Increase sale price by having proof that problems don't exist or have been corrected.
- Increase buyers confidence and eliminate suspicion.
- Minimize risk of losing the sale due to a buyer's inspection reporting problems at the last minute.
- Minimize risk of "over-inflated buyer procured estimates" from future negotiations.
- Ensure a quicker, smoother closing by eliminating repair negotiations.
- Provide additional full-disclosure protection from possible future legal claims.
Minor Advantages:
- Schedule the inspection for your convenience.
- Select the inspector of your choice.
- Make repairs before prospective buyers view your home.
- Save money by making repairs yourself or shopping for competitive contractors.
- Warn your family in the unlikely event that any immediate safety issues are found.
How it Works:
- Call and Schedule an inspection. My hours are flexible for your convenience.
- A Full Service Home Inspection with Report will be performed on your home.
- I will review the report with you, taking the time to explain all findings, and to discuss possible solutions.
- Once corrections have been made, call to schedule a "re-inspection" (no charge).
- After re-inspection, I will amend the original report, noting all corrections.
- Place the report in full view for buyers to review when touring your home.
- Increase buyer traffic by having your agent add "Pre-Inspected by Lybeck Home Inspection Service" into the MLS information.
A Prelisting Inspection can help you sell your home faster, and for more!
Let my reputation as a detailed, thorough, professional home inspector work for you.
Call 709-3476 to schedule your inspection.
Inspected Once - Inspected Right