NACHI - The National Association
of Certified Home Inspectors - The World's Elite Inspectors
Serving the Idaho Falls Region
Lybeck Home Inspection Service
Eric Lybeck
Nationally Certified Residential Inspector
(208) 709-3476
Certified by the National Association of Certified Home Inspectors - 
Click here to verify.

Pre-listing Inspections:

Sell your home faster, for more money with a Pre-Listing Inspection!

A "Clean Home Inspection Report" is the ultimate gesture in forthrightness on your part.

Major Advantages:

  1. Increase sale price by having proof that problems don't exist or have been corrected.

  2. Increase buyers confidence and eliminate suspicion.

  3. Minimize risk of losing the sale due to a buyer's inspection reporting problems at the last minute.

  4. Minimize risk of "over-inflated buyer procured estimates" from future negotiations.

  5. Ensure a quicker, smoother closing by eliminating repair negotiations.

  6. Provide additional full-disclosure protection from possible future legal claims.

Minor Advantages:

  1. Schedule the inspection for your convenience.

  2. Select the inspector of your choice.

  3. Make repairs before prospective buyers view your home.

  4. Save money by making repairs yourself or shopping for competitive contractors.

  5. Warn your family in the unlikely event that any immediate safety issues are found.

How it Works:

  1. Call and Schedule an inspection. My hours are flexible for your convenience.

  2. A Full Service Home Inspection with Report will be performed on your home.

  3. I will review the report with you, taking the time to explain all findings, and to discuss possible solutions.

  4. Once corrections have been made, call to schedule a "re-inspection" (no charge).

  5. After re-inspection, I will amend the original report, noting all corrections.

  6. Place the report in full view for buyers to review when touring your home.

  7. Increase buyer traffic by having your agent add "Pre-Inspected by Lybeck Home Inspection Service" into the MLS information.

A Prelisting Inspection can help you sell your home faster, and for more!

Lybeck Home Inspection Service - Inspection Report

Let my reputation as a detailed, thorough, professional home inspector work for you.

Call 709-3476 to schedule your inspection.

Inspected Once - Inspected Right